Children remind celebs that grammar matters



Red Balloon is the leading school in Brazil when it comes to teaching English, and recently they took on a new method of teaching their students proper English. Teachers had students from ages 8 to 13 correct celebrity tweets that were grammatically wrong, and rest assured there was a lot of material out there. If you pay attention to social media you know that celebs rule every platform and they are constantly sending out messages to keep their fan bases satisfied.  What they often fail to do though is to keep things grammatically proper and  they often shorthand things or just misspell entirely. Some of these tweets were just mind boggling and would have most people scratching their heads.


Lets take a look at the nicest grammar police on the internet and what advice they gave to our beloved celebrities. First off it’s our favorite celeb Kim Kardashian who  tweeted “Up early getting ready to film Chelsea Lately today with the whole fam! Were taking over tonight!!!” Seems okay, right? Well 8 year old Ana politely pointed out that “@KimKardashian, you’re beautiful. I’m Ana Beatriz from Brazil, I’m 8. Look, you wrote Were, but it’s “we’re”. Kisses.” How sweet of her! Moving on is our favorite boy wizard “Harry Potter” a.k.a. Daniel Radcliffe who tweeted “Hello guys ,It have been an age that I didn’t tweet , thanks all for your amaizing messages .DAN XX.” The mistakes in this tweet are a little more evident and young Gabriel respectively points them out. @DanieIRadcIiffe Dear Harry Potter, I’m Gabriel, from Brazil. Your tweet has 2 mistakes: “it has been” and “amazing”.

As role models and public figures celebrities need to be aware of the influence they have on fans. When young children see things like this they believe it’s correct and they get in a loop of improper spelling and grammar. Social media has been popular and successful because it’s so fast, but being fast has the downside of being inaccurate. Where people care more about getting the message across rather than their grammar. Horrible grammar has become a trend on the web and  it is one that we should drop immediately. The students at Red Balloon managed to get the attention of the celebrities fans but unfortunately the celebs themselves have not responded. Hopefully they are too busy to reply because they are brushing up on their grammar!


2 thoughts on “Children remind celebs that grammar matters

  1. This is a great read and very good example of the use of social media in the class. Those students seem to be extremely nice and they are certainly on track. And, Twitter itself is a great place to see how people use the language. I wonder to what extent it affects the way we actually speak. 😉


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