I’m back!


I know….I know that I have apologized before about not being consistent with my writing and by now you guys are seeing a trend. But I wholeheartedly apologize. Life is a funny thing and sometimes we are taken away from our passions. Good news is that I have been at my current job for about 8 months now! Ohh how time flies!

I am going to start living a more balanced life. I am eating healthier, I am working out again, I am going out of my comfort zone, growing as an individual every day and now I will get back to my passions -writing, inspiring and creating content.

As I always tell people, life is short. Don’t wait to pursue your passions and to live the life you want. I always preach this but I don’t fully follow my own advice. it is time to change that.

The Social App of the future


Isn’t it time that technology brings us together to celebrate and live life? Check out Spangle which does exactly that.

Check out the video and download the app! #BeSpontaneous and fight #FOMO

http://vimeo.com/90956797 – video

http://goo.gl/NcNGl5 – download that app here! and if you want to be a student ambassador as well, you can go here

and don’t forget to mention my name (Chirag).